Articles on: Getting Started

How to add a new user to the workspace?

Have trouble adding new members or users to your workspace? Don't worry about it; we've got you covered.

Adding a new member/user to a workspace

We have curated a simple guide you can follow to add new members to your workspace. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Log in to your dashboard using your login credentials (email & password) that you used while creating your account.

Step 2: On the leftmost side of the window, select the workspace where you want to add new members.

Step 3: On the left-hand panel, click on the Settings, which opens up a Settings panel, where you can select the Members, which opens up a Members panel.

Step 4: Click on the +Add New Member button in the top right corner. It generates an "Invite Member" pop-up.

Step 5: Enter the email I.D., select a role (Admin/Member), and click the Send button. This action opens a pop-up window confirming the invitation and options to invite more or end the process.

Step 6: Click the Invite More button to continue inviting more members (if you want); else, click the Done button to terminate the process.

You can check the status of the invitation under ‘Pending Invitations. Once the person accepts the invitation and creates a KrispCall account through the link, you will have your new member under ‘Members’ with the designated role besides the name.

Also, if you are struggling to add a new workspace in your KrispCall account, this video will help you.

Updated on: 05/02/2024

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