How to Integrate Your Teamleader Account with KrispCall?

Running a startup, small, or medium-sized business comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing interactions effectively. That is where the Teamleader CRM comes in, offering a range of tools to enhance operations and keep everything running smoothly.

But what if there’s even a way to take your operations a step further? Yes, we’re talking about the KrispCall and Teamleader integration—a powerful duo that will take your telephony conversations to the next level.

In this blog, you will learn some key benefits and features of this integration and some easy steps to integrate your Teamleader account with KrispCall. So, let's dive into how this integration can be a game changer for your businesses.

Features You Will Get After Integrating Teamleader with KrispCall

The KrispCall and Teamleader integration offers several unique and advanced features. Here are some of them:

1. Call logging and recording

There is nothing more hectic when you have to manually record everything including important details from a phone call again and again. But, with KrispCall and Teamleader integration, every call – whether inbound or outbound is automatically logged and recorded within your Teamleader account.

The logged details include caller information, call duration, and even recordings. Similarly, this ensures you never miss crucial information or forget important details of a conversation. It's all there – neatly organized for you.

2. Caller ID and screen pop-up

The Caller ID feature that comes with the KrispCall & Teamleader integration allows you to view all the caller information, including their name and past histories with your company, before picking up the call.

With caller details in hand, you can personalize conversation based on their past interactions, needs, and preferences. This not only adds a personal touch to your telephony conversations but also contributes to building a stronger relationship with your customers.

3. Click to call

Manually dialing phone numbers can lead to decreased agent productivity as it consumes a lot of time and effort. Through KrispCall and Teamleader integration, you can access a click-to-call feature that lets you easily make and receive calls straight from the Teamleader user interface.

Whether you are reaching out to a client or just following up on a lead, this feature makes your calling process quick and effortless. That means agents can focus more on important tasks, for instance, building stronger relationships with customers and closing more deals. Moreover, this feature is mainly useful when you have to make a lot of calls daily.

4. Customizable call routing

It's nothing more than frustrating for customers to be forced to wait on hold to reach a specific agent or department. However, with KrispCall and Teamleader integration, KrispCall lets you set up rules and direct calls to the right person or department.

Whether it's based on the time of day, caller location, or specific requirements, you have full control over how calls are handled, ensuring a seamless experience for your customers.

5. Customer management

Customers are undoubtedly the heart of your businesses, and tracking their interactions is definitely the key to delivering an exceptional customer experience. This integration automatically logs all customer and cal details and provides you with a centralized view within the Teamleader interface.

Everything your agents need to know is at their fingertips, from past interactions to notes and preferences, making it easier than ever to deliver personalized and effective service.

Benefits of Integrating Teamleader with KrispCall

The KrispCall and Teamleader integration offers numerous benefits. Let’s have a look at some of them:

1. Improved customer experience

For businesses, at the end of the day, it is all about relationships with customers. From personalized greetings – to faster call routing and easy access to call history everything leads to a happier customer experience.

This integration is not only about streamlining processes; instead, it is about strengthening stronger relationships with customers. For instance, assume a customer calls back with a question—you can instantly see their past interactions and pick up right where you left off. This shows you care about customers eventually helping to builds trust with your brand.

2. Boosts productivity

Your team is undoubtedly your business's greatest asset, and their productivity is one way to bring you closer to success. From simplifying telephony conversations to eliminating manual tasks, the KrispCall & Teamleader integration frees up the valuable time of agents.

That means agents can focus more on what really matters – serving customers and driving business growth.

3. Data-driven insights

Data can be your powerful weapon to get one step closer to success – but only if you know how to use and utilize it. That’s what KrispCall and Teamleader integration has to offer you, from call metrics to customer interaction data, and with that, you can get valuable insights into your company’s operations.

By analyzing trends, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions, you can steer your business in the right direction and stay ahead of the competition.

4. Optimized workflow

It's true that it can really be a hassle when agents have to switch between multiple tabs, whether it is about accessing customers' information or some specific features. The KrispCall and Teamleader integration provides a single platform, whether it is for managing calls, tasks, customer data, or everything else you need to run your business efficiently. It's like a one-stop shop for success.

5. Easy access to information

When you fail to provide effective or personalized customer service, you lose customers and revenue, especially during phone calls. It can be hectic for agents to access customer details while on a call. But, with KrispCall and Teamleader integration, all the information including, customer details, past interactions, and support tickets, are readily available at their fingertips.

This means they can easily access customer and call details within the Teamleader dashboard. Moreover, no more digging through folders or trying to remember where you saved something. This saves you time and keeps your workflow running smoothly.

How to Integrate Teamleader with KrispCall?

Integrating Teamleader with KrispCall is a straightforward process:

Step 1: Login to the KrispCall account and go to Settings.

Step 2: In the settings section, Integrations can be seen under APP SETTINGS, click on Integrations.

Step 3: After clicking on integrations, different automation tools and CRMs can be found which you can integrate with KrispCall. To integrate Teamleader from KrispCall, click on the Connect button below Teamleader.

Step 4: After clicking on connect button, CRM integrated successfully will be displayed and Teamleader will be visible in active integration.

Integration setting

With Teamleader integrated into KrispCall, users can enable/disable different settings. Let's start with the general settings.

Point to remember: All the setting options for general and workflow settings will be on by default when the integration is done for the first time.

1. General Settings

There are two options in the three dots of active integration: Edit and Delete. Under edit, there is a different list of settings.

After clicking the edit option, three options are now available under general settings.

Create new contacts for calls: This button helps in one-way contact sync if the toggle is on. That means the contact created in KrispCall gets synced to Teamleader. If the toggle is off, then the contacts won’t be synced.
Contacts 2-way sync: This button helps in 2-way contact sync if the toggle is on, i.e., the contacts created in Teamleader get synced to KrispCall. If the toggle is off, the contact won’t be synced. This button also helps in initial sync, if there are previous contacts either in KrispCall or Teamleader, then by toggling this button, the contacts get synced to both sides.
Notes logging: This option helps to sync notes created/edited/deleted from the conversation box or during the call to Teamleader. Toggling off this button will not sync notes to Teamleader.

2. Workflow settings

The workflow setting is present after the general settings.

The workflow setting is present right after the general settings. All the options under workflow settings are set to Calls (Engagements) at first. Users can click on the setting and change it according to their requirements.

Under workflow settings, there are 5 settings options available till now.

Log outgoing answered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: Enabling the setting as Calls (Engagements) will sync the outgoing answered calls to Teamleader. Enabling the setting as Disabled will not sync the outgoing answered calls to Teamleader.
Log outgoing unanswered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls (Engagements), the outgoing unanswered calls will be synced to Teamleader. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the outgoing unanswered calls will not be synced to Teamleader.
Log incoming answered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls (Engagements), the incoming answered calls will be synced to Teamleader. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the incoming answered calls will not be synced to Teamleader.
Log incoming unanswered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls (Engagements), the incoming unanswered calls will be synced to Teamleader. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the incoming unanswered calls will not be synced to Teamleader.
Log voicemail as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: Enabling the settings as Calls (Engagements) will sync the voicemail log to Teamleader. Enabling the setting as Disabled will not sync the voicemail log to Teamleader.

3. Connected Numbers

The connected numbers setting is present after the workflow settings. Only one option is available under connected numbers settings.

Log phone calls for these numbers: This option shows a list of available numbers, and the user can choose one or more numbers from the existing number of that workspace. This option helps log the phone calls of the selected numbers.

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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