How to Integrate Your Pipeline Account with KrispCall?

Whether you're interacting with teams or clients or accessing important customer data, switching between tabs back and forth can be hectic. It directly impacts your efficiency and productivity.

To facilitate smooth workflow and interactions without having the hassle of switching between applications, KrispCall and Pipeline integration is your answer. This perfect combination automates workflow, boosts productivity, and allows for better collaboration and conversations.

Let's explore some benefits and features of this integration and some easy steps to integrate your Pipeline CRM account with KrispCall.

Features You Will Get After Integrating Pipeline CRM with KrispCall

Integrating Pipeline CRM with KrispCall enhances your telephony workflow with several powerful features. Here are some of the best features of this integration.

1. Click to call

KrispCall integration with Pipeline CRM provides a click-to-call feature that allows you to initiate calls with just a few clicks. This integration eliminates manual dialing phone numbers, streamlining your telephony conversation.

Moreover, your sales reps can easily make calls directly from the Pipeline interface, eliminating the need to switch between tabs. This feature allows agents to instantly connect with customers, reducing the amount of time wasted on manual dialing.

2. Automated call and contact logging

With KrispCall & Pipeline integration, all your incoming and outgoing calls are automatically logged within the Pipeline account. Call details like missed calls, received calls, follow-ups, duration, and relevant call notes are automatically recorded.

This feature saves agent’s time by eliminating manual data entry, allowing them to focus more on engaging with clients and closing more deals.

3. Real-time call & SMS notification

The KrispCall & Pipeline integration ensures you never miss an interaction with real-time call and SMS notification. This feature alerts agents with incoming call pop-ups, allowing them to handle calls more efficiently and provide effective customer service.

Additionally, KrispCall notifies you when a call comes in within your Pipeline interface, along with callers' details, so agents can prepare ahead of time and deliver personalized service.

4. Seamless contact syncing

Another impressive feature of this integration is two-way contact syncing. For instance, if you add or update contacts in KrispCall, it will automatically be reflected in your Pipeline interface and vice versa.

This feature makes the contact information easily accessible doesn’t matter which platform you’re on. It also saves valuable time and effort and increases efficiency and productivity. It also ensures that the contacts are accurately recorded, eliminating manual errors.

5. Access to entire customer history

Integrating KrispCall & Pipeline provides a unified view of the customer journey, including past purchases, conversations, and other relevant details. That means agents can easily access customers' details during calls without leaving their workspace.

In addition, with customers' entire history in one place, agents can provide effective customer service and contribute to personalized customer experiences. Moreover, this feature allows agents to solve customer queries quickly and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Integrating Pipeline CRM with KrispCall

Integrating Pipeline CRM with KrispCall offers several benefits for businesses. Here are some major benefits of this integration:

1. Better call management

The KrispCall and Pipeline integration allows you to identify caller information, including name, contact number, call history, and other relevant details, before receiving the calls, staying on the same page. This feature allows agents to better understand customers and handle calls more efficiently.

Additionally, agents can initiate calls directly from the Pipeline dashboard, eliminating switching between apps frequently and saving time and effort. Moreover, during calls, you can access features like call recording and adding call notes, which can be helpful for future reference.

2. Enhanced customer experience

With KrispCall and Pipeline integration, agents get to view a complete customer journey within the Pipeline interface. This unified view of the customer includes past interactions and relevant customer interactions.

With this information in hand, agents can better understand customers' needs and preferences and provide personalized interactions, leading to better customer satisfaction and increasing retention rates.

3. In-depth reporting and analytics

Integrating Pipeline with KrispCall provides valuable insights into key metrics, including call duration, recording, and conversation notes. This call data helps you to understand customer behavior, which in turn fosters data-driven decision-making.

Additionally, analytics and reporting provide you with valuable data that you can use to segment customers, create targeted marketing campaigns, and increase your customer base. Moreover, this feature provides you valuable insights into agents' performance, including the number of calls made and call outcome. With that, you can find areas for improvement and boost the agent’s productivity.

4. Improved lead qualification

KrispCall automatically logs calls and contact details into your Pipeline account. This allows you to effortlessly track lead status and identify potential opportunities to convert leads into loyal customers.

Furthermore, this integration automatically creates new leads after calls. You can also utilize call recordings and notes to identify which lead is interested in your products. With this information, you can easily prioritize leads and focus on the ones that are most likely to convert.

5. Automate mundane tasks

The KrispCall and Pipeline integration automatically logs call details, recordings, and notes – all within Pipeline CRM, eliminating the requirement for manual data input. This automation reduces administrative workload and allows your team to focus more on strategic work.

Furthermore, this reduces errors by automating data entry and ensures the data are recorded accurately within your Pipeline CRM system.

How to Integrate Pipeline CRM with KrispCall?

Step 1: Log in to your KrispCall account and Go to Settings.

Step 2: You can find Integrations under App Settings in the Settings menu. Then click it.

Step 3: By clicking this, you'll see a list of business tools and CRM software you can integrate with KrispCall. In order to integrate KrispCall with Pipeline, click on the Connect button just below Pipeline.

Step 4: Upon clicking the Connect button, a window asking for the API token and Pipeline email address will open.

Step 5: Go to the Pipeline account and log in. On the right side, select account settings and click on profile options. You will see the API token and email address of the Pipeline.

Step 6: In the left sidebar, select API integration from the list of options.

Step 7: Inside API integration, go to API keys, where you will be able to view the API key and email ID, as shown in the figure below.

Note: Make sure you have enabled the API access in these API keys to use and integrate the Pipeline in KrispCall

Step 8: After clicking the connect option in Pipeline, copy and paste the API key and email ID into the new pop-up window. Click on the Next option

Step 9: Click on the Submit option, and the integration will be completed.

Step 10: The integration successful message will pop up on the screen when the entered fields are valid.

Integration setting

Users can enable/disable different settings after integrating Pipeline into KrispCall. First, let's look at the general settings.

Point to remember: All the setting options for general and workflow settings will be on by default when the integration is done for the first time.

1. General Settings

There are two options for active integration in the three dots - Edit and Delete.

Under edit, a different list of settings is created. After clicking the edit option, the general settings window opens. Under general settings, there are now 3 settings options available.

Create new contacts for calls: Create new contacts in Pipeline's address book. This option is used for one-way contact sync, i.e., contact created in KrispCall will be synced to Pipeline if the toggle is on.
Contacts 2-Way sync: Pipeline synchronizes with KrispCall when contacts are added or updated in KrispCall. When this toggle is on, contacts created or updated in KrispCall are synced to Pipeline and vice-versa. Pipeline and KrispCall will be synced after toggling on the initial contact.
Note: Webhook is not provided for two-way sync, so it is not implemented for now
Noted logging: Drop only notes in call details. This option saves/syncs notes to Pipeline only when the toggle is on.

2. Workflow settings

The workflow setting is next to the general settings. By changing/clicking the mouse pointer, the workflow setting options are opened. Under workflow settings, there are 5 settings options available till now.

Log outgoing answered calls as Calls (engagements) / Disabled. By making the log of outgoing answered calls disabled, they will not be saved/synced. The log of outgoing answered calls will be saved/synchronized when you make calls (engagements).
Log outgoing unanswered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled. By making the log of outgoing unanswered calls disabled, it will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements), the log of outgoing unanswered calls will be saved/synced.
Log incoming answered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled. By making the log of incoming answered calls disabled, it will not be saved/synced. When you make calls (engagements), the log of incoming answered calls will be saved/synchronized.
Log incoming unanswered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled. By making the log of incoming unanswered calls disabled, it will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements), the log of incoming unanswered calls will be saved/synced.
Log voicemails as Calls (engagements) / Disabled. If you disable voicemails, they will not be saved/synced, but if you make calls(engagements), they will be saved/synced.

3. Connected Numbers

The Connected numbers setting is just next to the workflow setting. By changing/clicking the mouse pointer, the connected numbers setting option opens.
Under connected numbers, there is only 1 option available till now.

Log phone calls for these phone numbers: This option displays a list of available numbers in a workspace. Using this setting, the log of selected numbers will only be saved on Pipeline.
Note: If no number is selected here, then call logs will not be synced in the respective CRM

Updated on: 06/05/2024

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