How to Integrate Your Nutshell Account with KrispCall?

Integrating your Nutshell account with KrispCall is a game-changer for your sales and customer service teams. Connecting these two platforms allows you to make calls, log notes, and sync contacts seamlessly within the Nutshell interface. It also helps streamline your workflow, boost productivity, and provide exceptional customer experiences.

Now, you must be wondering how to integrate your Nutshell account with KrispCall.

Don't worry! In this blog, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to integrating your Nutshell account with KrispCall and review the features and benefits of this integration.

Features Unlocked by Integrating Nutshell with KrispCall

Integrating Nutshell with KrispCall provides several powerful features, including note syncing, contact syncing, click-to-call, analytics and reporting, and screen pop-ups with caller information.

Let’s explore these features and see how they benefit different teams within your organization.

1. Note Syncing

KrispCall offers a call note feature that allows you to take notes of important matters discussed during calls. Typically, these notes are stored in your KrispCall account. However, with Nutshell and KrispCall integration, you can access these notes from within Nutshell. This means there is no need to switch from Nutshell to KrispCall to access these important post-call notes.

The good news is that you don’t have to manually copy and paste notes from KrispCall to Nutshell. The integration automatically syncs call notes from KrispCall to Nutshell as they are created. Additionally, you can edit or delete a note from the conversation box, and it will automatically be synced to Nutshell.

2. Contact Syncing

Entering the phone numbers of each and every client while calling is always a hassle. However, with KrispCall and Nutshell integration, you can easily add a new contact or update the details of an existing customer on one platform (KrispCall/Nutshell) and these updates will automatically reflect on another platform (Nutshell/KrispCall).

This means you do not have to enter the data manually, and it will be automatically updated on the Nutshell and KrispCall platforms when you save any number. Moreover, you can access all contact details from either platform, saving time and minimizing your workload.

3. Click-to-Call

By Integrating KrispCall with Nutshell, you can make calls directly from the Nutshell interface with just a single click. This saves you time and effort, as you won't need to dial phone numbers or switch between different tabs manually.

Plus, during calls, you'll have access to a range of helpful call management features that make it easy to manage your conversations. This way this integration helps you stay organized and focused on your conversations, making it easier to get the most out of your interactions.

Please note that in order to enable click-to-call functionality, it’s necessary to install the KrispCall Dialer extension on your browser. You can conveniently locate and install the extension by following this link.

4. Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

When you integrate KrispCall with Nutshell, you'll gain detailed information about your calls, including the duration of each call, missed calls, and recordings of the conversations within the Nutshell dashboard besides KrispCall.

Moreover, by analyzing the call data and insights, you'll be able to gain a deeper understanding of your sales and marketing efforts.

5. Screen Pop-Up With Caller Information

When you connect Nutshell with KrispCall, you can use the screen pop-up feature to see important information about the caller as soon as they arrive. This feature shows you the caller's name, phone number, and the company or account they're associated with. You'll also see any previous interactions you've had with the caller, like past conversations or meetings.

With this information, you can greet the customer by name and quickly understand what they need, which helps build trust and makes them happier.

Benefits of Integrating Nutshell with KrispCall

Integration Nutshell and KrispCall offer various benefits. Here are some 5 of the main benefits.

1. Automation of Repetitive Tasks

When you connect your Nutshell account with KrispCall, you can get things done more quickly and easily. This integration helps agents by automatically saving call details so they don't have to do it manually. This means agents can focus on other tasks instead of wasting time logging calls.

Also, agents can make and manage phone calls right from the Nutshell dashboard without having to switch between apps. This saves even more time and lets agents talk to more customers. As a result, agents can make more sales and be more productive.

2. Centralized Contact Management

With KrispCall and Nutshell integration, you can keep all your contact information in one place. Instead of having separate lists for customers, suppliers, partners, and team members in different systems or departments, you can manage everything from a single, centralized database.

This makes it easier and quicker to find and use contact information, saving you time and reducing the hassle of dealing with multiple systems.

3. Smooth Workflow

With Nutshell and KrispCall integration, you get a single interface to work with, which makes it easier to manage your tasks. You can log calls automatically, so you don't have to remember to do it yourself.

You can also make calls with just one click, which saves you time and effort. And, because the systems synchronize in real-time, you don't have to worry about updating information in two places.

4. Improved Data Accuracy

By connecting KrispCall and Nutshell, you can eliminate the risk of human error that can occur during manual data entry. When you integrate these two platforms, contact and customer data will automatically sync.

With synchronized data, you can make informed decisions, collaborate effectively with your team, and gain actionable insights. This will drive your business growth and improve customer relationships.

5. Personalized Interactions

Connecting the Nutshell and KrispCall helps you have more personalized customer conversations. This is because when a customer calls, you can see all the information about them on your screen.

With this information, you can talk to the customer in a way that's helpful and relevant to them. You can answer their questions, solve their problems, and show them that you care about their business.

How to Integrate Nutshell Account with KrispCall?

To integrate the Nutshell account with KrispCall, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your KrispCall account and go to the Settings option.

Step 2: In the Settings section, you'll find Integrations under APP SETTINGS. Click on Integrations.

Step 3: Once you click on Integrations, you will find different automation tools and CRM systems you can connect with KrispCall. To integrate Nutshell with your KrispCall account, click on the Connect button below Nutshell.

Step 4: After clicking on the connect button, a new page will pop up, asking you to enter Nutshell's username and API key.

Step 5: To obtain the Nutshell API key, log in to your Nutshell account and click on Settings. Then, under setting scroll down to find API keys and click it.

Step 6: The API key should be created by the user themselves. For that, inside the API keys section, click to add the API key, as shown below.

Step 7: Inside the add API key box, give the API a name and select permission to API Access, then click the new API key button.

Step 8: To copy the API key, click on the generated key. A new pop-up will appear, and the user can copy the API key as shown below.

Step 9: Log in with your Nutshell username (email ID), paste the API key from Nutshell, and click the Submit button.

Step 10: A successful CRM integration message will pop up, and Nutshell will be shown in active integrations in KrispCall.

Integration Settings

After Nutshell's successful integration, users can use different settings. In the first step, users can either edit or delete the integration.

To delete the active integration, click on the 3 dots and click the Delete option.

To edit the integration, click on three dots and choose the Edit option. The edit option has different settings options, where users can make changes based on their requirements.

1. General Settings

General settings are the first setting option, where three additional settings options are available. All the toggle buttons on general settings will be on by default.

Create new contacts for calls: This button helps in one-way contact sync. If the toggle is on, the contact created in KrispCall gets synced to Nutshell. If the toggle is off, the contacts won’t be synced.
Contacts 2-way sync: This button helps in 2-way contact sync. If the toggle is on, the contacts created in Nutshell get synced to KrispCall and vice versa. If the toggle is off, the contact won’t be synced. This button also helps in initial sync, i.e., if there are previous contacts either in KrispCall or Nutshell, then by toggling this button, the contacts get synced to both sides.
Notes logging: This option helps to sync notes to Nutshell, which are created/edited/deleted from the conversation box or during the call. Toggling off this button won’t sync notes to Nutshell.

2. Workflow Settings

Workflow settings are present right after the general settings. All the options under workflow settings are set to Calls(Engagements) at first. Users can click on the setting and change it according to their requirements.

Log outgoing answered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls(Engagements), the outgoing answered calls will be synced to Nutshell. But, by enabling the setting as Disabled, the outgoing answered calls will not be synced to Nutshell.
Log outgoing unanswered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls(Engagements), the outgoing unanswered calls will be synced to Nutshell. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the outgoing unanswered calls will not be synced to Nutshell.
Log incoming answered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls(Engagements), the incoming answered calls will be synced to Nutshell. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the incoming answered calls will not be synced to Nutshell.
Log incoming unanswered calls as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the setting as Calls(Engagements), the incoming unanswered calls will be synced to Nutshell. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the incoming unanswered calls will not be synced to Nutshell.
Log voicemail as Calls (Engagements)/Disabled: By enabling the settings as Calls(Engagements), the voicemail log will be synced to Nutshell. By enabling the setting as Disabled, the voicemail log will not be synced to Nutshell.

3. Connected Numbers

The connected numbers setting is present just after the workflow setting. Only one option is available under connected numbers settings.

Log phone calls for these numbers: This option shows a list of available numbers, and the user can choose one or more numbers from the existing number of that workspace. This option helps log the phone calls of the selected numbers.

Note: If there are no selected numbers, then the call logs will not be synced in Nutshell.

Updated on: 02/08/2024

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