Articles on: Integration

How to Integrate Your Capsule CRM Account with KrispCall?

Integrating Capsule and KrispCall is a significant opportunity to improve your customer relationship management and conversations.

By integrating these two powerful platforms, you can effortlessly blend Capsule's strong contact management capabilities with KrispCall's advanced telephony functionalities. This integration allows you to synchronize customer data without much effort, making customer interactions more personalized and efficient.

In this guide, you will learn the features along with the benefits of this integration and also some easy steps to integrate your Capsule CRM account with KrispCall.

Features You Will Get After Integrating Capsule CRM with KrispCall

Integrating Capsule CRM with KrispCall offers various functionalities. Here are some major features of this integration.

1. Click to call

Agents can find it challenging to search for and enter phone numbers manually. But with click-to-call functionality, they can effortlessly initiate calls to contact with clients and prospects within seconds without leaving their workspace.

This feature can be a game changer, especially for busy sales teams, as it saves both time and effort to initiate phone calls. Whether it's about following up on leads or reaching out to existing customers, the click-to-call functionality not only enhances productivity but also ensures that your team can make more calls in a short time period.

2. Screen pop-up with caller ID

It takes a lot of time for your sales reps to manually search contact details, especially during an incoming call. The Capsule+KrispCall integration lets you instantly see who is calling and their entire history with your company.

When an incoming call occurs, the Capsule CRM dashboard automatically displays it. With that, agents can view caller details like past interactions, complains and preferences. This helps them to personalize their interactions and impress customers from the beginning. It is more like having a cheat code ready for every conversation.

3. Automatic call logging

There is no doubt that manually logging call details can be a hassle and time-consuming. However, the Capsule and KrispCall integration has simplified this process. Call details like call duration, recordings, and even notes from each conversation are automatically logged within your Capsule CRM account for future reference.

Similarly, by managing a detailed history of all your interactions with customers, call logging not only helps you get valuable insights but also makes your team stay organized and informed. In addition, the call logging feature prevents crucial details from being missed.

4. Two-way contact syncing

It can be challenging and frustrating to manually enter the data on several platforms. However, with the KrispCall & Capsule integration, you can effortlessly keep your contacts up to date automatically.

For instance, with a two-way contact syncing feature, the changes made in one platform (KrispCall or Capsule) are automatically reflected in the other one. Moreover, if you are adding a new contact during calls or making updates later on, you can ensure that your contact details are always accurate and complete.

5. Automated task creation

Business owners know that losing a lead has a direct impact on revenue. But with KrispCall and Capsule CRM integration, the Capsule CRM can generate tasks based on call outcomes from KrispCall, such as reminders, follow-ups, or other triggers.

Moreover, this means that businesses can quickly act on leads and increase their chances of converting them into customers. This integration helps to automate the process of following up with leads and saves agents time.

Benefits of Integrating Capsule CRM with KrispCall

Integrating Capsule CRM with KrispCall offers several benefits, including:

1. Enhanced customer engagement

It becomes easier for agents when they know customer details and their history with the company. With that in hand, they can tailor interactions to meet their needs and exceed their expectations and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Moreover, by utilizing features like caller identification and call logging features, your team can better anticipate customer needs and address their concerns promptly.

2. Eliminate manually entering data

It is obvious that manually entering data is both time-consuming and requires a lot of energy for agents. But, with KrispCall and Capsule integration, all the manual and time-consuming tasks like data entry and creating tasks like follow-ups and reminders are automated.

In addition, it eliminates the risk caused by manual entry. Also, it ensures that data are accurate and up to date on both platforms.

3. Boost sales productivity

Features like click-to-call allow sales reps to spend less time searching for phone numbers and more time connecting with leads and closing more deals. Similarly, automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks contributes to increased productivity.

This integration also frees up valuable time for your team, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities like building strong relationships with customers.

4. Better data management

The KrispCall and Capsule integration brings all your call data within your Capsule CRM dashboard, giving you a centralized view. This gives valuable insights into customer interactions, including call duration, calls made, and calls missed.

You can utilize this data to improve your telephony conversations, identify areas for improvement, and gain a deeper understanding of your customer base.

Call tracking and analysis
The KrispCall and Capsule integration has now made it effortless to keep track of each of your calls directly within your Capsule interface. The call data can also be used to identify areas for improvement and gain valuable insights into your customer interactions.

You can use this information to identify trends in customer queries, track agents' performance, and even improve telephony conversation workflows.

How to Integrate Capsule CRM with KrispCall?

Step 1: Log in to your KrispCall account and click Settings.

Step 2: In the Settings menu, go to App Settings and select Integrations.

Step 3: Here you will find a list of business tools and CRM software you can integrate with KrispCall. In order to integrate KrispCall with Capsule, click the Connect → button just below Capsule.

Step 4: Clicking on the Connect → button opens a new pop-up window asking you to accept or reject the integration of the Capsule account you want to integrate with KrispCall on already login to the Capsule account. Here, you should enter the site address of the capsule account you want to integrate.

Step 5: Click the accept button and you will be redirected to the KrispCall application with an integration success message.

Integration setting

After integrating Capsule into KrispCall, users can enable/disable different settings. Here first comes the general setting.

Point to remember: All the setting options for general and workflow settings will be on by default when the integration is done for the first time.

1. General Settings

There are two options in the three dots of active integration: edit and delete. Under edit, there is a different list of settings.

After clicking the edit option, three options are now available under general settings.

1. Create new contacts for calls:

Create new contacts in Capsule's address book. This option is used for one-way contact sync, i.e., KrispCall contacts should be synced to Capsule if the toggle is on.

2. Contacts 2-Way sync:

Updates made in Krispcall must be synchronized in Capsule and vice versa. This option is used for two-way contact synced where contact created and updated in KrispCall should be synced to Capsule and vice-versa when the toggle is on. Also, after toggling on the initial contact between Capsule and KrispCall will be synced to each other.

3. Noted logging:

Drop only notes in call details. This option is used to save/sync notes to Capsule only when the toggle is on.

2. Workflow settings

The workflow setting is present right after the general settings. All the options under workflow settings are set to Calls (Engagements) at first. Users can click on the setting and change it as per their requirements.

Under workflow settings, there are 5 settings options available till now.

1. Log outgoing answered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled:

By making disabled the log of outgoing answered calls will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements) the log of outgoing answered calls will be saved/synced.

2. Log outgoing unanswered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled:

By making disabled the log of outgoing unanswered calls will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements), the log of outgoing unanswered calls will be saved/synced.

3. Log incoming answered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled:

By making disabled the log of incoming answered calls will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements) the log of incoming answered calls will be saved/synced.

4. Log incoming unanswered calls as Calls (engagements)/ Disabled:

By disabling the log of incoming unanswered calls, it will not be saved/synced. By making calls (engagements), the log of incoming unanswered calls will be saved/synced.

5. Log voicemails as: Calls (engagements)/ Disabled:

By making disabled the log of voicemails will not be saved/synced. And by making calls (engagements) the log of voicemails will be saved/synced.

3. Connected Numbers

The connected numbers setting is present after the workflow settings. Only one option is available under connected numbers settings.

Log phone calls for these numbers: The list of available numbers will be shown in this option where the user can choose one or more numbers from the existing number of that workspace. This option helps to log the phone calls of the selected numbers.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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