Articles on: Features

How do contact tags help in navigation?

Contact tags are labels attached to contacts or numbers for easy identification and sorting for easy accessibility and information. Contact tags can be anything from "High-Value Clients" to "Not Interested Clients".

How do contact tags help in navigation?

Users can use the contact tag section to navigate to a particular contact directly from the second section. Browse the list of tags and select the one you need. It will display the contacts associated with the tag.

How are they created?

To create/add a tag to a specific contact, select a particular number and reach the top-most right corner of the fourth section to find an exclamation mark. When clicked, a sidebar that contains all the details of that particular contact opens up. You can add or remove tags from that specific sidebar.

The video below will help you understand tags better.

Updated on: 17/08/2023

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