Articles on: Pricing and Plans

How to cancel my KrispCall subscription plan?

Cancel your KrispCall Subscription plan:

If KrispCall has served your purpose and you now opt to stop using it, you can easily cancel your account. We're sorry to see you leave. We hope you've enjoyed using KrispCall, and we hope to see you soon.

We offer a variety of cancellation options depending on your plan.

Cancellation of a Subscription

You can cancel your KrispCall subscription anytime from your Plan Subscription under settings.

However, any monthly or annual payments you've already made are non-refundable, and after termination, you won't be charged. You are responsible for the upfront fees associated with your picked subscription period, even upon premature termination.

Following the steps below, an Admin can cancel the account:

Step 1: Log in to your dashboard using your login credentials (email & password) that you used while creating your account.

Step 2: Click on Settings & Plan Subscription followed by Cancel Subscription

Step 3: Type Cancel and click on the Cancel Subscription button.

Our sales team will review your request and send you a confirmation email.

Note: After canceling, your account will remain active until the end of your current billing period.

Updated on: 06/12/2023

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